Thursday 21 March 2013

back story and meeting the characters

Our film is about a group of friends (two females and one male) ,  two of them are scientists with the job of finding a cure for deceases whilst the other girl is a secretary for there boss. two of them have got engaged (the two girls). However, one of the friends(the male) steals the fiancé from the other and she is filled with jealousy and anger. Due to her rage she mixes two serums together, whilst in the lab, which spreads a virus throughout humanity. With just a select thew sill alive due to there rare blood type, it is up to them to fix the word in the only way they see how, to kill the male in the past before he meets the two girls and gets the opportunity to split them up.

The male scientist is a man called Leo Hardwin. He is a down to earth character yet he does have a secret side to him. However, in his own mind he in innocent and believes that what ever happens, no matter what, is fate.

The female scientist that cheats on her fiance is called Natalie Richardson. She cheats on her because she is confused about her sexuality and feels that she is living a lie. However, due to her being a kind and caring character she does not want to hurt anyone so she keeps it all a secret, but buy telling these lies it creates conflict in story which blows up in all of their faces.

The other female character is called Jade Wilson. She is a focused character who's life revolves around her profession, which could be one of the reasons why her fiancee has left her. On the outside it seems like nothing effects her yet on the inside all her feelings are being held in until an event, like being cheated on, gives her the opportunity to release all of her feelings which could have bad outcomes.

Another character is the C.E.O of the large corporation known as Gene Co, Morgan Phoenix. He is a successful man with lots of money and power. He is a bit of a gambler with his positive attitude and his 'grab the bull by the horns' personality towards everything. However, this is before the apocalypse. After the apocalypse he is a more quite with a more hidden personality. also, due to him being one of the thew survivors he is more imaginative and therefor made a different reality in his mind as a coping process.

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